Normally when you allow someone to borrow your car, they are covered under your auto insurance policy. The exception is when there is a signed driver exclusion notice.
The case of Mills v. Wayne Mutual Insurance Company Mills thought her son would be covered under her insurance policy but according to the appeal filed by Progressive, her son was excluded. Her son did have his own insurance policy, but was not the owner of the car that was involved in an accident it was his mother's car. This case explains one critical component that is often not addressed when shopping for insurance coverage. At the conclusion of the appeals trial neither insurance company paid for damages, so Mills son was on the hook for damages. Would this case have been different if the mom and son had a knowledgeable independent agent? Independent agents works with multiple insurance companies providing broad coverage options for its clients. Insurance Group of Nevada we carefully analyze all possible gaps in our clients insurance policies and we work to fill those gaps at affordable prices. Source: Wayne Mutual Insurance Company v. Mills et al., Appellees; Progressive Preferred Insurance Company, Appellant--No. 95CA0091--Court of Appeals of Ohio, Ninth District, Wayne County--July 31, 1996--692 North Eastern Reporter 2d 213.
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